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Resource-Allocation Graph

Resource Allocation Graph SLIDE # 8:

In slide #9 the graph shows that the R1 is holding for the instance in P2, the P2 is requesting

for instance in R3 then R3 is holding an instances of P3. The R2 has 2 instances whis is holding

the instances of P1 and P2. Then the R4 is null.

Resource Allocation Graph SLIDE # 9:

In slide #9 the graph shows that R1 is holding for the instance in P2, the P2 is requesting

for instance in R3, then R3 is holding an instance in P3, P3 is requesting for instance is R2, then

R2 has 2 instances which is holding the instances of P1 and P2. The R4 is null.

Resource Allocation Graph SLIDE # 10:

In slide #10 the graph shows that P1 is requesting for instance in R1 which has 2 instances. The

R1 is holding the instances of P2 and P3. P3 is requesting instance from R2. R2 contains 2

instances which holding the instances of P1 and P4.

Resource Allocation Graph SLIDE # 20:

In slide #20 the graph shows that R1 is holding the instances of P1, then P1 is requesting for a

resource in R2, P2 is requesting intance for R1 and P2 is requesting for a resource in R2.

Resource Allocation Graph SLIDE # 21:

In slide #21 the graph shows that R1 is holding the instances of P1, then P1 is requesting for a resource in R2, then R2 is holding the instances of P2 and P2 is requesting instance of R1.